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Meet Linda Ciampoli of CranioSacralBoulder

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

Interview with Denver Voyage Magazine for Inspiring Stories of Boulder:

Denver Voyage Magazine ~ December 11, 2019

Hands and coffee cup, CranioSacralBoulder

Today we’d like to introduce you to Linda Ciampoli from CranioSacralBoulder

Linda, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.

My first work love for 25 years was in the Arts, so my work life is a tapestry of experiences threaded by three decades of active listening. The first two with artists and then this past decade with clients practicing CranioSacral Therapy (CST).

I began studying CST while living in Brooklyn in 2010. I then began formally training with Upledger Institute while living in Hong Kong in 2012.

I’m a UI Techniques Certified CranioSacral Therapist.

*This certification means the most to other CranioSacral Therapists because it is known to be a lot of work over a longer period of time. To understand what it means for you, read this separate entry: What it means for you.

My family moved to Boulder in 2013 and I opened CranioSacralBoulder in 2016.  From my practice I regularly donate packages to local value aligned organizations centered on offering peace, health, and empowerment within our community.

This gentle bodywork is about listening and following the client’s inner wisdom by connecting with the physical structure of the membranes surrounding the central nervous system, the craniosacral system, and by following any restrictions into release. The less restrictions, the more the body can do what it does best, heal and thrive.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?

For me it is about finding my edge of comfort and pushing it a bit, maybe not all at once, and with resilience ~ like the quality of water smoothing rock over time. This is my gentle approach to challenge.

While promoting artists felt natural, it was something altogether different to promote my own work. At first it felt like a huge weight to begin to promote my introverted self and honestly, I resisted it. Not surprisingly, that didn’t work.

So I started finding my voice by sitting quietly connecting with what motivates me to be a CS Therapist and writing about it online. Listening to and honoring what comes up from silence has been ¾ of the work in being able to use my voice to share the news about this elegant therapy.

CST gently addresses physical restrictions within the body’s membrane system and follows those restrictions into release. I apply this same construct in my approach to my business. With curiosity, I look to individuals and resources for learning. I read case studies, practice with peers and mentors, and continually study. 

I take care of my being by addressing areas of my own life in need of nourishment, and by working with my own therapists regularly. I then arrive to my clients grounded and prepared to hold the container on their path. In a sense, the obstacles in my business are to find my internal restrictions, if you will, and to compassionately follow those into release.

We’d love to hear more about your business.

CranioSacralBoulder is located in South Boulder. My logo includes a central message about this work; Your Body Is Your Guide. CranioSacral Therapy is about your self-empowerment, your self-actualization, about you.

Being out of pain, or coming into physical and emotional balance during postpartum, or moving beyond post-concussion symptoms, insomnia or anxiety, as a few examples of symptoms CST can help relieve, is all in support of you living your best life.

From a place of feeling good in your own body, a lot of other things can fall into place. I am a witness to the clients process and deeply honored to walk with each one.

What were you like growing up?

I grew up running and barefoot. I was a girl rooted in Florida nature. Florida is a place of swamps and lakes, tadpoles and brim fish, rope swings and cypress trees, sweet azalea and magnolia blooms. I grew up climbing limbs of majestic oaks dripping in Spanish moss.

I was a kid who knew I didn’t want to forget what it is to be a kid. So, I still connect with her regularly. I’m still full of her quiet wonder.


Updates 2023:

Pricing: $100 per 1 hour session

Address: 4150 Darley Avenue, Suite 10 Boulder 80305

Phone: 720.316.6074

Instagram: @craniosacralboulder


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