CranioSacral Boulder Upledger Institute
Techniques Trained and Certified
CranioSacral Therapist
Fueled by Wonder
Aug 31, 20162 min read
20 some odd years ago I briefly did some work for an educational building toy company called Zometool. This was one of my numerous gigs to make rent.
Even if my life at that time was quite difficult; I was full of wonder. The work I did for Zometool was flat and I remember staring at the many models around the shop on Pearl Street and feeling a sense of awe for their complexity and beauty.
Years later, working at the Museum of Modern Art in their Architecture and Design department I attempted to get Zometool into the design collection. I learned they don't collect toys and this was considered as such. It's really too bad because this felt more a tool for exploration than toy.
So recently, my young child and I went to turn in one of his broken Zometool pieces to their facility near Boulder, yes, they will kindly replace. We pulled out one of the three dimensional constructions set up inside their factory and took it into the sun where its shadow cast the image you see above.
In that moment, I was reminded of that sense of wonder I felt when I first walked into the Denver location two decades ago.
It made me think about how wonder drives me toward things. Dreamy wonderment has taken me to some pretty amazing projects and places. I have run into a few deadends for sure, yet my wonder has kept me going. It is definitely at the center of my life approach, even quietly so.
Wonder is a driving force in my study and practice of CranioSacral therapy.
When this work found me, I was compelled to drop all other pursuits and follow this path. Of course, I needed to do the research and tiptoe in and do keep in mind I had just welcomed a long awaited infant in my hands during this realization. I wanted to honor that time in welcoming him, and walked closely beside him in those early years.