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Bone by Bone - Palatines

Writer: Linda@CranioSacralBoulderLinda@CranioSacralBoulder

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

arches inside a building

What does a high ranking Italian official, an Emperor's palace on a Roman hill and the roof of your mouth have in common?

The palatine bones are L-shaped and resemble the archs found on Palatine Hill, and those found in many vaulted spaces in architecture today.

Of or near the palate is probably the more straightforward meaning of this anatomic structure.

The image I've shared here is a simple entryway in a Genovese home, but the shape of each arch is similar to the shape of the bones at the posterior end of your hard palate. I walked into this space and immediately thought of the hard palate.

A CranioSacral Therapist approaches those bilateral paired bones, with the same level of respect one might imagine a high ranking official serving the Pope (judices palatini) would receive. So much can happen in CranioSacral mouthwork resulting in unwinding patterns of dysfunction.

Palatine dysfunction is linked to endocrine disorders and eye issues. Therapists take that information into consideration, but are sure to be with what is right now and with each client and while assessing hard palate issues.


The palatines are paired bones located bilaterally, posterior and medial to the last molars along the roof of the mouth. Together with the Maxillae they form the hard palate. They are among the bones that form the posterior floor of the eye orbit.

Palatine bones of the hard palate.
Palatines are shaded in blue in this open source image.

Addressing the palatine bones is part of the intra-oral "mouthwork" protocol in CranioSacral Therapy. Though therapist contact made utilizes just up to 1 gram of pressure with one single figure pad, significant change can and does occur.

When approaching the palatine, a therapist begins with intention, connects with the bone and checks for mobilization, being sure to ground oneself to offer a counterbalance to the lightness of contact.

Often an issue with the Palatine bones may resolve as a therapist moves through the treatment protocol facilitating release for the other mouth structures so that by the time the palatine bones are addressed at the end of the protocol, we find no restrictions. If there is restriction and it remains throughout the mouthwork protocol it is often significant as to provide a measured experience of relief.

Of course, we approach all bones with a high level of respect but the fact the name of these are wrapped up in early Latin usage connected with places of serious value and people who hold positions of esteemed leadership, helps me always remember to approach with a grounded self and with a level of reverance and with a light touch to this beautiful structure.


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